About Robert

Robert J Smith and Family


I was born, raised and have lived most of my adult life in Garland. It has been my home for more than 30 years, and just like you I want to see it prosper. Garland is at a crossroads. We’re 99% developed as a city, and the new construction dollars we’ve relied on are about to dry up. We have an aging infrastructure in the middle and south parts of town that needs attention, and a well-established industrial sector that needs to be maintained. We’re a mix of 250,000 people – the 12th largest city in the state, with a $740 million budget. And yet, we have the warmth and energy of a small town. Hard working leaders, both in the community and in our city government continue to make Garland shine. As your representative, I want to give back to the city that has given so much to me by representing your interests, spending our shared resources wisely and helping grow the Garland brand.

I’ve spent the past five years in office fighting for smart spending decisions, strong infrastructure and defense of personal freedoms. These principles first and foremost will continue to guide my decision-making as your representative.

Who am I?

I am a native of Garland, and have spent most of my life here. I attended North Garland High School, and met my future wife during freshman year biology. After I grew up enough for her to put up with me, we began dating. I graduated with a degree in Business Administration from UT Dallas in 2004 and was married that same year. Since then, April and I have lived together in the DFW metroplex and have been in our current home in Garland since 2007. We have two daughters age thirteen and sixteen, who always take time out of their busy schedules to groan at their dad’s endless puns.

Over the past decade I’ve been involved in vetting and working on over forty local and state campaigns. I was a member of the former Lt Governor’s Grassroots Leadership Council, and have served on the Parks and Recreation Board as the mayoral appointee for three years. I spent four years as the Precinct Chair of Precinct 2708, which is located in the north end of council district 8.

In my spare time I enjoy acoustic guitar, computer programming and spending quality time with my kids. I have been an active participant in volunteer civil emergency services, Leadership Garland XXXV, and I am an Eagle Scout from Troop 57. I currently work as the Chief Information Security Officer for a US-based payments company.

If I can answer any of your questions or if you just feel that you need your voice to be heard, please email me at robertjsmithtx@gmail.com